Tomas Novak: Violin, Laura Pudelek: Cello
L’atome are Laura Pudelek on cello and Tomas Novak on violin.
The two met on stage, improvising freely. And because they hit it off right away, the next meeting was right around the corner, again on stage, again improvising. Since then, the two musicians have been seen and heard again and again as a duo, but also with others in various constellations.
For the two of them, free improvisation means playfully venturing into the unknown and letting the moment become music, diving in and out of worlds, building soundscapes. This is where Pudelek and Novak meet, seeming to enter the same spaces and then fill them, engrossed in constant conversation. They do not stick to traditional playing techniques, the instruments are worked on as a whole, expression is the top priority. The sound aesthetic results from this and varies between wild and fragile, scratchy, bizarre and sometimes simply beautiful.
Theresa Dinkhauser: Klarinetten, Veronika Mayer: Elektronik, Laura Pudelek: Cello/Fotos
Infra widmet sich in ihrem Spiel der konzeptuellen Improvisation und zeitgenössischen Musik. Ihren Improvisationen liegen Fotos zugrunde, die während der Konzerte in den Raum projeziert werden. Der Name „Infra“ hat seinen Ursprung in der ersten vertonten Fotoserie von Stromleitungen vor blauem Himmel: Aus den starken Kontrasten zwischen der grenzenlosen Weite des Himmels und den Artefakten der Technik formt das Trio kompositorische Strukturen. Die zufällige Ästhetik eine Netzes, das unsere heutige Gesellschaft und deren soziales und wirtschaftliches System ermöglicht – Infrastruktur.